Tue 2 Dec, 2003 05:50 pm
Hello Able2Know,
This is my first post in this forum as I only joined yesterday So I'm not sure if I'm in the right place to ask this. Could anyone tell me if Hotmail is having problems the last 2 days? I get get into Hotmail but the whole format is different than it was and I haven't been able to find out if MSN is having problems. Thank you for any info you can give me..
I don't think it's experiencing problems as such, well i haven't had any, and there is a new format to hotmail now so that might just be it. Don't know if any of this helps..but there you go
Yes, they're overhauling their look.
I don't like it either.
I think it is a matter of getting accustomed to it. I still don't know where everything is, so it is a bit of a pain.
I thinks its okay. although i have changed the folders in options already because i thought having a 'today' folder was pretty now its practically set out as before, just with different icons etc
Thanks for the Info.
I didn't know anything about it. I thought maybe I had changed a setting or something. Too bad they wouldn't let people know when they are going to be changing things again. Thank you for the welcome Phoenix. I just joined the group. I was wondering where all the oldies from Abuzz had gone. I found a reply at Abuzz inviting people to come and check out and that how I found out where everyone is.. Lee...
Haven't been in my hotmail for awhile, but wanted to welcome you to A2K :-D
Lee... wrote:Too bad they wouldn't let people know when they are going to be changing things again.
were letting people know it was coming soon.
They didn't send emails about it, as far as I know (and I'm glad they don't send more spam than they already do). What they did do is post little notices on the site for at least a week. . .probably longer.
They sent me an email about it! and with a preview too, not that i could get the damn thing to work..
and i dont really like the new look either.. think t'was better before.. but thats just moi
Thanks for all the help.
Hotmail still is acting funny today. Another thing I'm having trouble is, getting into MSN groups.Well I guess I'll have to wait.. At least they aren't charging for their service...yet.
Monger- I never pay attention to the site. I just go right to the E Mails. That's probably why I never knew about it! If I got something from Hotmail by E Mail, I mist likely blew it away without reading it. Probably figured it was an offer to buy more space!