I do like it. Thanks for introducing me to it.
I was born in San Antonio. But I only lived there a year before my dad was transferred up to the NYC office - so any transition I made was more from NJ than from Texas. I had the same sort of experience you did though - in fact my mother taught us to say, 'Yes sir, and yes ma'am' to the teachers at school (in NJ ) and my big brother got in trouble because they thought he was being sarcastic...

I learned to talk in NJ so I didn't have that accent or any of those southern speech habits to contend with although every time my friends would call me and my mother would answer the phone they'd put on this cornpone accent and make fun of my name 'Rebecca Jean'... and whenever I'd come home from Texas and talk about my uncles Bennie Mac and Happy and Aunt Ida Belle - they'd say - 'You're making those names up.' I really wasn't.
My mom was born in Oklahoma City. Where do you live in Oklahoma?
I love England - I stepped off the plane and felt like I'd found my second home so it's been an easy and wonderful transition.
(Shania Twain is so pretty - but my son has always liked her more than I have). He's like me - he'll listen to anything and everything.
Anyway - nice to talk to you Phillis. I'm sure I'll see you around