I'm sure it was a fun time to be coming of age during this era. BUT....I been looking at some of the woodstock vids on youtube and some of these people look a little scary. But I do like this song and a lot of their music for that matter.
JustBrooke wrote:Woodstock
I'm sure it was a fun time to be coming of age during this era. BUT....I been looking at some of the woodstock vids on youtube and some of these people look a little scary. But I do like this song and a lot of their music for that matter.

It was a fun time...but I'm glad it's over...thanks for the memory Brooke...here's a song from those days
Buddy Miller - With God On Our Side
Considering Iraqi its still timely, so I'm not so convinced those times are over.
Exile on Main Street Album - The Rolling Stones
If Not For You - Dylan/Harrison Duet
Never even knew they sang together. I wish I knew what George said at the beginning, why that one line made him laugh and why that guy tapped their guitars.
Amazing by Aerosmith-----I use to listen to this song alot on my way to school (middle school that is)
Other than that, I am listening to my soon to be former boss, breathe deeply and mutter something about me just handing my two weeks notice in!
Someone's cellphone playing Jefferson Starship.
Just watched a commercial with the song "What is Love" playing in the background and now it's in my head.
You're welcome, hun!
And thank you for posting that Buddy Miller song. I had never heard it before! But it was good!
just listened to J S BACH "THE COFFEE CANTATA" on a2k is on the air
Since I can't stand either team in the Super Bowl this year ... I figured I'd check out the halftime entertainment.
Refugee by Tom Petty
Awesome band.......I'm sure their little gig will be a good one!
Bruce Springsteen, "Atlantic City"
Not a big fan of the boss in general, but I love this song.
(Hmmm, deja vu.)
Serge Gainsbourg--Shu Ba Du Ba Loo Ba
the worst of opie and anthony 01/21-25/08
Cypress Hill, Phuncky Feel One.
Which is ending right now and transitioning awkwardly into some Iron & Wine track I don't know the name of. I've got to get some consistency in my life.