OmSigDAVID wrote:Liberalism is distortion, or veering away from something.
EmperorNero wrote:
Liberal comes from the latin word for "free".
You can use it in the sense you speak of, but you can use any word in any meaning.
Deviant is not the original meaning of the word.
It originally meant
being for freedom, and that's why liberals aren't liberal.
No; u r confusing the concepts of liberalism and
In the sense that u intend to use it, it means "
taking liberties".
Conservative means keeping rigidly unbending in the enforcement of a rule,
or law, or agreement or some paradigm; accordingly, conservatives conserve
that rule or agreement or paradigm (e.g., a common style of dress).
Liberal means deviating from some rule, or law,
or agreement or some paradigm, and not taking it too seriously.
For instance,
if men are playing poker n one rakes in the pot
alleging that he has a flush, when he has 4 clubs and a spade,
and when challenged on this behavior, he declares
the liberal motto: "
hay, that 's CLOSE ENUF; don 't be
too technical; don 't split hairs; just don t be a ball buster, OK ?
I had a fight with my cousin, yesterday I got a flat tire,
I belong to a minority group and my left foot stinks,
so gimme a break n deal the cards."
Hence, he advocates the position that
logic shoud be SUBORDINATED to emotion
and that thay shoud take a
of the rules of poker because his sob story
the technical rules requiring 5 cards of 1 suit for a flush.
"Conservative" means
"Conservative" means
"Liberal" means deviant.
Without having deviated from something no one can be liberal
because the essence of liberalism is turning away from something.
For instance, if u attend a formal banquet in a black tuxedo
red sneakers, u deviate from the paradigm of formal dress,
thereby taking a liberal vu thereof. If u attend it in your underwear,
then u take a
MORE LIBERAL interpretation of that paradigm.
If u attend it naked, then u apply a radical interpretation
( "from the root" ) of that paradigm.
Whether liberalism is good or bad
depends upon
WHAT the liberal is veering away from.
Like when Boris Yeltsin veered away from communism, that was a
GOOD thing.
Liberalism includes
ANY kind of deviation,
in any direction of
360 degrees of arc + up n down.
There is
no logical semantic constriction on liberalism
that it can only exist in the direction of
collectivist-authoritarianism a/k/a socialism.
Deviation can be in the opposite direction or in any direction.