@Fatal Freedoms,
For centuries , Europeans have been Obsessed with Tama -Re '' Egipt . They have spent Millions Of Dollars excavating the land , touring , making Movies , Repainting and Rebuilding the original Tama -Re ye '' Egiptian Statutes and Monuments . Often times Europeans have given no Respect to our Ancient Ancestors , and their Burial requests to be Left Alone and Untouched , Ignoring the Curses that were there to protect them by the Ancient Ones . Everybody knows that the Ancient Tama -Re ye '' Egiptians ' were ...
Negroes '' . Yet they still Portray us as water down , Mulatto looking people that they are trying to Pass Of As Egiptians today , who are Turks , Gypsies , Hindus , Greeks , and Caucasias mixture and the likes . They have mixed their Seed with the original Moors of Tama - Re ''Egipt '' they have planted their seed in the bosom of our country , and brought along with them the Anumal Savage Like Beast nature to Egipt . They ARE NOT the original Tama -Reye '' Egiptians '' . It is easy for them to try to make the claim that they are Tama -Reye '' Egiptians '' because they are the Pale Skinned people Occupying the land today , who were known as the Hyksons Dynasty . A man named J . A . Rogers wrote a book back in 1967 A.D. entitled '' Sex And Race Page 46 .
Where He Tells , You That The Pharaohs Were Black . He States And We Quote ; Some Of The Faces Of The Rulers Of This Dynasty Are Clearly Negroid . The Founder Of The Third Dynasty , Sa -Nekht , Was A Full -Blooded Negro , A Type Commonly Seen In The Egyptian Army To Day Then On Page 47 , He Goes On To Say .... '' Sir E . A . W . Budge , Give A List Of The Egyptian Gods That Originated In The Sudan , The Land Of The Negroes , And Says There Is '' Little Doubt That The Great God Of Memphis , Ptah , Was A Originally A Great Handicraftsman And Worker In Metals Who Was Deified It Was The Negroes In The South Who Introduced The Use Of Iron Into Ancient Egypt . Prehistoric Iron Furnaces Discovered In Nortern Rhoesia , Almost In Del Grande , Show That The Negro Knew The Use Of Iron Untold Centuries Before The Euro - Archaeologists Generally Agree That It Was The Negro Who First Discovered The Secret Of Iron .
Archaeologists have taken all of the Information and Arifacts that don't agree with their Doctrine and Burned them by the Thousands . It may be cruel but it is true . Once you find out and Acknowledge about your greatness , it will eliminate the inferiority complexes that you have . This is why it is importan to teach the youth the facts and don't let them get caught up in fantasies and fictions of this crazy unruling society ruled by the majority . There are Italians and other Europeans such as the French over in Ancient Tama - Re '' Egipt '' right now Repainting And Reconstrcting The Faces of The Ancient Tama - Re '' Egiptian '' Staues and Repainting Images On The Walls .
The distortion is the same thing they did centuries ago . That is why the Sphinx and the many Temples and Pyramids of Nubia and Tama - Re '' Egipt '' are so disfigured . If you look at the country of Tama - Re '' Egipt '' today the population is so mixed and diversified that you have Greeks , Turks and Mulattos claiming they are the Indigenous People . This is what we call '' Tying Into The Vine '' . The Pharaoh Khufu also made a way for foreigners to mix in because he lifted the immigration law . allowing anyone to come into the country , and even married into their Blood Line . Tama - Re '' Egipt '' today consists of Canaanites ( Hyksos ) , Turks , Romans Italians , Indo - Arabs , And Greeks . So as you can plainly see .
What you are looking at today are not real Tama - Reye '' Egiptians '' . They are mixtures of various Invaders . They came trying to '' Tie Into The Vine '' in order to eliminate the original Color , Customs and Culture of the Nubians who came from the Nuwbuns or those of Nubia . Now they are walking around claiming that they are the original Tama - Reye '' Egiptians '' when indeed they are Impostors , Mulatto Egiptian ....
For those who promote the Lie that Caucasoid type people were the original Egyptians just think , you can't survive under the sun in countries such as America and Europe where termperatures are basically moderate . Too much exposure to the sun gives them Skin Cancer . There is no way they could have survived in Ancient Tama - Re - '' Egipt '' under the extreme heat of 114'F . The Sun would literally Burn them up because of the lack Melanin .
That is why the land was called Tama - Re Egypt '' or Aigyptos by the Greek because it was the Land of Burnt Faces , - The Sun would Burn their Faces Red Even in their own drawings the Europeans draw Tama - Reyeaat '' Egiptians '' a little Tannish , kind of Brownish , semi - quasi shade . By them doing this , they are Admitting That They Know The Truth . Yet , they can Never bring themselves to telling the Truth that the Ancient Tama - Reyeaat Egiptians are Dark - Skinned People with broad features and that you are their descendants , as Negroes . An example of how the Europeans are so Infatuated by Tama - Re '' Egipt '' , is the Story of Elizabeth Christensen .
Elizabeth Christensen Had Spent 96 , 000 Pounds On Altering Her Appearance To That Of A Vision She Saw In A Dream . If You Take 96 , 000 Pounds , And Double It For Us , That's Around $ 192 , 000 . Wow ! She Says That Since 1987 . A Young Women With Feline Eyes , A Tiny Nose , And Clara Bow Lips , Appeared In Her Dream - - And She Believe The Women Was Who She Was Meant To Be , Or Has Been In The Past . Since Then She Has Had 23 Plastic Surgery Operations In Germany . Britain , Brazil , And The USA , Raising Money Through Friends , Private Sponsors , And Cleaning Jobs . She Was Once A Chubby Faced School Teacher Who Is One Transformed Into Someone With A Haunted Fixed Stare , Stretched Skin And Swollen Mouth . One Side Of Her Face Is Slightly Frozen , Making Her Look As If She Has Had A Stroke . She Came Across A Picture Of The French Version Of Queen Nefertiti And Connected It With The One In Her Dream , And Truly Believes That She Was Nefertiti In Her Former Life . Her Most Recent Out Of 7 Rhinoplasties ( Nose Jobs ) Was By Dr . Steve Hoefflin . Michael Jackson's Pastic Surgeon , And Cost Her - 16,000 Pounds Thats About $ 32 , 999 U.S. Dollars .
The Black , Woolly - Haired , Dark Olive Skinned Toned and Slender Negroid who stand about 4 feet tall . were the Ancient Egiptians . They were the otiginal Tahites , Ptahite Pygmy . Nuwbuns , or who became the Moors . Nubians Stand About 4 , 5 , 6 , and even 7 feet tall . They were the descendants of Tah or Ptah . These were the indigenous people of Tama - Re '' Egipt '' . To take you back to the beginning , some of the Sumerians migrate westward under the name Mitsrayim , Misr .
If you look up Egipt in the Bible you will see Mitsry and if you look up the word Mitsrayim you will see that it means '' The Two Lands '' . The Sumerians lived and mixed in with the Tahites also called Tarites as Nuwbuns . They became Kham from Ham . Cush from Kish . Tama - Reyeaat '' Egiptians '' from Mitsrayim , Libya from Phut . The word Kham or Ham is not the original Egiptian word for '' Black '' . According E . A . Wallis Budge An Egyptian Hiroglyphic Dictionary Volume ll On Page 531 , Kham ( Ham ) means '' Burning Hot '' Now before we go any further , look at the word Ham again . In Aramic ( Hebrew ) Ham is Kham , Ham or Al Kham , Khamites as they were called and means '' Black ''
It is a historical fact that the word Kham was in existence long before its use in the Bible , along with the word Kush . Kish which is a Sumerian word was borrowed from Ancient Egipt .These names can be found right in your Bible . If you believe and accept it as facts . The name Kemet is from Kham or Ham meaning '' Blacked Skinned '' ( Genesis 6 ; 10 ) , Everyone knows that all civilization Received their Knowldge from Ancient Egipt . That is why everyone Steals Information From Egipt And Call It Their Own ....