And these land creatures that were once Tadpoles or Reptilians grew while in their [ Mother's Womb ] . From 3 months . plus 3 months more during that period they were connected to an Umbilical Cord Umbilicus , or Navel that is on Abdomen of the Fetus and is connected to the Placenta . Thismark on the surface of the Abdomen of Mammals , who once dwelt in a Marina , or Water , is where the Umbilical Cord also called Umbilicus , was . This central point , or middle . is attached during the grestation .
The very word '' Navel '' comes from the Middle English word '' Nefela'' and is the same as the Aramic / Hebrew '' word '' Nephela, Nepheliam , '' to fall down '' . which is the same word it's in the phonetics of the language . It is a clear picture in these days and times that the words '' Navy '' Navel '' Naval '' and '' Marina '' Tie in . This is a confession that man was a Tadpole . and was considered a Sea Creature . Lifeforms that Evolved from the Sea were Water Vertebrates , They did not appear until 500,000,000 million years ago , and land Vertebrates followed about 100,000,000 million years ago .
Most Amphibians had made the transition from water to dry land . The plants on the dry land attracted the Amphibians to Evolve into Reptiles . The Dolphin as a Whale went from the stars to this planet in the Sea , then onto land ,then back into the Sea as a Whale . Crocodiles are a remannat of that Evolutionary phase also . From about 225,000,000 million years ago to 65,000,000million years ago which in the period of time often referred to as the Dinosaur age , evolved 2 main lines of egg-laying Reptilians . Those who could fly , which evolved into birds , like the Pterodactyls from the Greek pteron, from the Greek for '' finger '' and those who roamed and dominated the planet Earth as Dinosaurs called the Tyrannosaurus Rex '' Tyrant Reptile ''or Terrible Lizards .
These Reptiles evolved , alongside with a variety of Amphibians and water lizards away from the oceans and their water life , which was full of activity . When Humans came out of water , your evolution Jumped Billlions Of Years . When Human Crawled On Land , They Were In The Form Of What LQQked Like Crocodiles . If You Examine The Back Or The Spinal Columns of Humans , You Can See Knots Up And Down The Spinal Columin . Millions Of Years Ago , It Was A Fin . This Fin Or Sail Was Used To Conduct Heat And Regulate Heat , And The Body Had To Mutate . Behemoth ,mankind to this day still has at the end his spinal column , an extension called a coccyx . that is a tail ; as well as wings under the arms , and webbed hands . This Human developed from what you would call a dinosaur today . This dinosaur was called Dimetrodon . It got its name from it , having that which is unique , that being two sets of teeth .
No other animals had two sets of teeth . The Dimetrodon lived about 60-300 hundred million years ago , which means that it lived at the end of the Paleozoic Eza . Dimetridon was a large meat-eating reptile , which measured some ten to twelve feet from nose to tail , and five feet in hegight ; which explains why many humans have a craving for flesh .When Dimetrodon , who was of the Paleozoic Era . ruled this deadly creature roamed the valley before the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Exa . The Dimerodon was the first to ever inhabits the land .It was a warm-blooded reptile . Dimertrodon in a deadly reptile known for the enormous sail on its back .This sail was used for the purpose of regulating body heat .
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