Sat 29 Nov, 2003 03:00 pm
Damn... it's asking me to register for the New York times, so I'll have to wait awhile to see what Kinky's about...
The title reminded me of some eccentric millionaire's plot to turn the Millennium dome, London, into... 'The Pleasure dome'
Hey, Soz, anybody who can write, "They Don't Make Jews Like Jesus Anymore," and who has the support of Molly Ivins, sure would get my vote. Besides, imagine Willie Nelson as the head of the Texas Rangers! Texas could become an outstanding state of utopia.
Can I request they cal for extradition of Bush and his public execution, with his head prominently displayed on a pike?
Love this: in the Peace Corps, "...he taught farming to people who had farmed perfectly well for 2,000 years."
Hmm - he is very right wing, I hear - cute though he is.
You have to PURCHASE that article. Pity I don't currently know if I have a job or not - it would be fun to read!
Yes - I AM a member. But the article is archived. Archived articles are not free.
Must be something they do to dirty foreigners. I still get it with nothing but my good looks.
Sorry dlowan, old thread. Here is the article: