Thomas :
I wish Carico no harm.
Neither do I. Nor to I wish him lack of harm. I am neutral.
Perhaps you is advancing society by showing just how crazy some religious people are.
Me or Carico? I presume you mean Carico. However, the advancement of society would mean MORE religeous derangement.
Human society invented religion and mental derangement. Human society is run on same. All other species of life do not suffer from these things. So, do not look to human society to make it better. Societal leader want to make it worse, because religion and deranging its citizens is how they derive thier power and cathartic revenge.
So you believe medicine is useless because we ale all going to die anyway.
This is obviously a crazy and irrational belief. Society calls this "belief", but it is delusion.
Carico the good state of Wisconsin disagrees with you . A "Christian" man and his wife are facing 70 years in prision in a "murder by prayer" criminal case, for praying for their daughter instead of taking her to a doctor.
They are not responsible, society is. It is important to understand that society is not taking them to court for any legitimate purpose. It's purpose is :
A) To inflict unjust
further harm onto its own victim-creation.
B) For society to give you a demon to hate ...to BLAME. This is because society knows it is responsible.
Thier mental derangement (god myth) is promoted by society, as is the current child-ownership system. They are just what society taught them and what experiances they were subjected to.