Fri 9 Apr, 2010 06:54 am
Between the holy dattaswami and the holy abd alrahem this is getting more and more to resemble the Wayside Pulpit things we have here, which give some fatuous religious message in bad advertisingese - at which point the grotesquesly rehmatesque remat gets jealous that anyone else should dare to post anything but 'Hasbara dog' and writes another fifteen hundred bits of zionist propaganda disguised as ignorant Islamic bile, which nobody reads. Can this seriously go on? There are clearly attempts at conversion going on, aren't there? - though to what Remat wants to convert anyone other than dogs is an open question - like his head. Has that anti-conversion idea disappeared? I dislike the thought of giving up any site to the likes of remat, but you can't discuss things with a drunken parrot, can you? I'm violently for free speech, but free-association zionism seems to me to be moving beyond what's useful. Shouldn't some of this stop?