Feel sorry for my attitude, be angry with me or feel like I'm an idiot....you may certainly disagree with me...but this article illustrates perfectly to me what I truly believe Christmas now means to the majority of Americans...that's why I hate Christmas. Believe me, I'm not happy about it.
I was at the mall yesterday buying taking my son to get a birthday present and I saw a huge tangle of determined, rude, unhappy people jockeying for position and full of murder in their eyes for a parking space spending money with no sense of giving or loving spirit, only a sense of reluctant obligation.
I had two occasions to hold a door open for someone and smile at them, and my actions were genuinely shocking to them. (Not like I'm a saint, I just have it ingrained in me to behave that way in public by a heavy handed grandmother who was a presbyterian ministers daughter.)
It's ebay for everything else this year I can tell you.
Christmas sucks. It didn't used to.