@Fatal Freedoms,
Thank you.
I've traveled through MI on a couple of occasions over the years. Nice forests. I live in timber country out here. A coastal rainforest environment. Crashing waves on a stormy ocean. And a 9 month rainy season.

I love it.
I grew up in Alabama. Raised as a southern baptist. I saw saw holes in that system when I was a child. Leaving the south was probably the best thing I ever did for my spiritual health.
I embraced yogic practices when I was younger. Minus the religious affiliation. It has enabled me to have a point of view not commonly found in the modern world. I have no religion, so I share the path I used to become as I am.
Ultimately, one must cease the practice, and become a self sustaining flame.
This spiritual independence often conflicts with the status quo. So some will find my opinions concerning religion and politics a bit harsh.
Wouldn't be the first time. But I'm prepared to offer a good reasoning as to the how and why of things. It is always spiritual in nature, but it may reflect differently in the human world.
I have often used Shiva as an avatar. If you understand his nature, you understand my points of view. I'm rather fond of destruction so that new growth can occur.
I have a corrosive effect on what people believe in.
I will always tell you what I see, rather than what I believe.
Harder than it sounds.