RedOct;65080 wrote:
My objective is only this: (1) To show what atheism did to humanity, and (2) Due to Jewish owned mass media, everyone knows of the Jewish holocast, but almost none know of the Christian holocast.
Eh? Go figure,..Hitler was christian. I think FF and Sabz have made this clear on several occasions.
So what did atheism do then?
Free the world from the Dogmatic, narrow minded, homophobic, women hating, slave owning, incest loving world of the Church? Happy to be corrected of course, but I will provide text from the bible to contrary to anything you post, and you know it's in there. Remember Lot
Atheism did nothing to humanity in they way in which you think.
Just look into the not too distant history of the Christian faith and tell me you are proud of the things carried out in the name of the church.
Not sure you'll ever here some one kill some one in the name of Atheism, Happy to be corrected if you can find it. I will of course give you 100 pieces of evidence for people who have killed in the name of god.