Working class people have up to 33% of their weekly earnings "taken" before they get their paychecks. Once they get those checks they pay 7-9 cents every time they spend one of their remaining dollars. If they happen to save some of that money and make a substantial purchase, they get to pay "property tax"............the list goes on and on as to how many avenues the government has to relieve us of our money.
They even have people on the payrolls who sit there devising more ways to get more of our money. "We" pay them to scheme on us. We have four sets of government, (city, county, state, and federal) each, conspiring how to get more. If you say anything about people scheming to take more and re-distribute it, you're selfish.
Sabz5150;62744 wrote:Do you honestly care about anything besides yourself? Honestly.