All the information we have about the world we live in is conveyed to us by our five senses. The world we know consists of what our eye sees, our hand feels, our nose smells, our tongue tastes, and our ears hear. We never think that the "external" world can be other than what our senses present to us, since we've been depending on only those senses since the day we were born.
Do We Live in a Holographic Universe?Perceptions Lost to the Senses, Recovered with Artificial Signals [/CENTER]
The New Scientist's April 27, 2002 issue with its cover story, "Hollow Universe" and headline, "Why we all live in a hologram."
The Time article showed practical examples of how we can create perceptions like sight or touch by artificially created impulses. The most obvious proof is that a blind person was able to see. Despite the patient's eye not being functional, she could see by means of artificially created signals.
"The Body Electric," an article in Time magazine's March 11, 2002 issue, contained evidence proving that the external world is a copied image in our mind.
Can the Virtual Worlds of Some Films Be Duplicated in the Real World?
In "Life is a sim and then you're deleted," an article published in the July 27, 2002 issue of New Scientist magazine, Michael Brooks states that we might well be living in a virtual world not unlike the one in the film Matrix: "No need to wait for Matrix 2 to come out. You could already be living in a giant computer simulation... Of course you thought The Matrix was fiction. But only because you were meant to."
Author Brooks supports his views by quoting philosopher Nick Bostrom of Yale University, who believes that Hollywood movies come much closer to reality than we realize. He calculates, too, that there is some probability that we are living in a simulated or virtual world as some movies depict.
The scientific fact, much better understood in recent years, that we are not interacting with matter itself, causes people to reflect more deeply. This situation, the frequent inspiration for movies, points out that virtual environments recreate reality so realistically that people can be fooled by these illusionary images.
Materialism, Like Every Other False Philosophy, Has Been Destroyed