@marcus cv,
marcus;62094 wrote:It's not true, Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Actually it's a very big issue in this generation, how's it that only through Christ one may attain the salvation. One of my friends ignored the Christianity based on this doubt. But the fact remains, Christ specifically said that only through Him, not through Buddah or Muhamed, or Krishna only through Him alone.
Your reply shows your ignorance of Jesus and God. What you said is not true. I told you by now several times that Jesus was God. NOw Jesus comes in every human generation in Human form to preach and uplift the human souls through His preaching. Such human form of God is the only path of Heavenly Father becasue one cannot directly approach the unimaginable God. Thus Lord Jesus comes in every human generation for your sake. But you are not beleive in Him but belive in died Jesus who is not infront of you in person. But the same Jesus comes to you in this generation for your sake you are not beliveing in Him, because your love in Himis not true. You want to remain in the dead Jesus so that you can escape practical sacrifice to the Jesus now present infront of you in human form.
You want to remain in theoretical phase so that you can avoid practical sacrifice and do only some theoretical prayers to Dead Jesus. What is the use of all these! By such foolishness Lord Jesus is becoming very furious with you for your false love on Him. When He is very much present in front of you in another body you are not accepting Him.
Because if you accept Lord Jesus present now in human body, you have do several practical sacrifices like giving money to His mission, serving and working for Him without any desire, love Him more than any one in this world, terrible loss of peace due to sacrifice all these comes into picture which those poor fishermen did when He came 2000 yrs ago. That you do not want to do now, at the same time want salvation also freely!!! You want to be with family and do gosipe and want the salvation also freely!!!!
You want to enjoy the world and want salvation freely!!!
You do not want to under go any sacrifice for Lord in human form, but want salvation freely
You are ready to do some theoretical prayer but not practical service and wnat salvation freely!!!
You will see many from India sitting along with Jesus but you thrown away due to lack of practical sacrifice!!
You want to be like that rich man who approached Jesus for salvation. Jesus told him to leave everything and follow Him, but he could not do that becasue he was a multimillinioare. You are also behaving like him only. You want salvation at the same time at no cost. How it is justifiable!
Jesus comes to you in person now in human form. But due to jealosy and egoism you reject Him. So salvation for you also is rejected in the upperworld!
[in the above you is a general term only, not you]