@marcus cv,
marcus;60904 wrote:Sounds interesting, but why Veda contradicts Jesus teaching. And for some reasons he was more pronged to quote Torah rather than Veda. There is no reference of Jesus saying Veda says that, but he would say in the Law and the Prophets. Unless of course Veda has own Torah and the mount Sinai is the mountain you are referring to.
If you accept Jesus authority, why not to accept his words?
You are accepting Jesus very easily now, because He is not present infront of you in human form. Lord comes in every human generation in human form, like you, me. He exihibit all the properties of a human being like, thirst, sleep, suffering everything. Thus these qualities itself will take undeserving devotees away from the Lord in human form. Those who have identified the internal invisible GOD present in such human body of human incarnaiton will serve the Human form of God present infront of Him with love and without any expectation. That is why St. Peter told whereelse we will go? the divine knoweldge is only with You.
If Jesus comes in human form, immediately Vatican will curcifiy Him including you also. That is the situation in christanity. There is no clear cut idea or God knoweldge in Christainity now, eventhough Lord Jesus would have preached those disciples very well about the path of salvation personaly, which is not recoreded in Bible. Thus it shows the inevitabiltiy of Lord in human form to be present now also to explain to you the inner meaning of scriptures through His divine knoweldge.
Thus Lord Jesus comes again and again in human form to different parts of the world to preach and uplift the human being, this you will not accept and you accept only Jesus coming at the end of world, so that even if Jesus comes you are not there to see Him! This is the clever tactics of fanatics who do not want to see Lord now here itself. Such poeple misinterpret the scritprues and say that Lord Jesus comes only at the end of life!!!
If you see and learn impatially and analyse; there are two paths in the spirituality the prelimary path is known as Pravruitti or Path of Justice
The higher path is known as Nivrutti or Path of liberation.
When God came in form of Jesus, He stressed mainly on the first path which is the path of Pravrutti. He expaliend to those people who approached Him that you should love even your enimies..... etc etc. This is to maintain peace and justice in the society for the better peace ful living of human being. When Jeusus came there were hard hearted people, who do not know even the justice. To such peoplE who approached Him for only miracle and to get cure, to use God's power for their personal use; to such people He preached in parables, so that only interested people would wait and come to Him to ask Him to explain the inner meaning of parables. To general people He preached He is only a messenger of God you should pray to Heavenly Father etc.
But to His dearest disciples He preached the path of liberation. He told to them if you see ME you have seen the Heavenly Father. He revealed to St. Peter that He is the massiha (The Human incarnation or Human form of God), not to all. He very well know that if He speak to the public that He is GOd then, people will mock Him, and ultimately crucifiy Him.
So in the path of Liberation; the personal service to Lord in human form comes in to picture. Because those disciples Longed to see Lord, to touch Lord to co-live with Lord. To fulfill such peoples desire and to liberated them from all the worldly attachments Lord Himself came down in human form as Jesus. He told who ever want to follow Me should forsake Himserlf and carry their own cross on them and without any complaint should follow Me. See the strictness of Lord Jesus! He was the real GOD. But what the followers of Christ doing? Are you even aware of these fundamentals?
Since Lord is impartial He comes down in human form for those who seek Him and love Him. To such people who are the rareast in this world, He comes down and preaches them for their spiritual upliftment. Whoever identifies Him and serve Him in His mission of divine knowelge propagation without any expecation such people alone will get salvation. Lord in human form takes the sins of such people on Him and suffers of such poeple who Love Him alone!!!!
Lord Jesus preached