@dattaswami cv,
Free will is in fact demonstrated as a property of man in being made in the image of God in the fact the he (man) is free to CHOOSE between good and evil (Genesis 3:22), thus having the ability to direct his own fate, but lost the ability for immortality due to the fact of sinning in defying the direct edict of God NOT TO EAT OF THE TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL (Genesis 2:17). And it grieved God and repented Him in the fact that man had chosen to use this ability to choose evil over good (Genesis 6:5-6).
There is nothing in this physical universe that is predestined except that which God has PLANNED and brings to fulfillment at the proper time, a time of His choosing not mans. Even God does not have the ability to see into a nonexistent future that has yet to run its course, for indeed the future only exists in the imagination of man. The future is dictated by actions of a FREE FLOWING NATURE and the FREE WILL ACTIONS OF MAN, and is in a constant state of flux due to those variables. Thus, even the ALL POWERFUL can not and does not have the ability of "prognostication", but clearly explains in VIVID DETAIL just how He goes about dictating any future events.
"Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me. DECLARING (stating his plans) the end form the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet DONE (showing things to be done in the future), saying, MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND, AND I 'WILL DO' (indicating a future action) ALL MY PLEASURE (Will do what He wants when the time comes). Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I HAVE SPOKEN IT (declared it), I WILL BRING IT TO PASS; I HAVE PURPOSED IT (planned it), I WILL ALSO DO IT." -- Isaiah 46:8-11. Clearly as professed by God, the way that He dictates future events, HE PLANS IT, HE DECLARES IT, AND HE BRINGS IT ABOUT....AT A TIME OF HIS CHOOSING OR PLEASURE.
God does not look into a future that does not exist but plans what He wants the future to bring about...when He so chooses the time, and when the proper time of His choosing comes....He simply manipulates this physical world to bring what He has planned about. God is immortal, and All Powerful, and Omnipresent...but even God declares that He does not have absolute power over a future that has yet to unfold.
Logic dictates this to be true. For indeed how could God be grieved and repentant because He made man on the earth in the first place....IF HE KNEW WHAT THAT FUTURE WAS TO HOLD....He could not, simply because He did not know just how man was to use his gift of freewill. -- Genesis 6:6-5. And consider the fact that Jesus (professed in the scriptures as being equal with God, or God in the flesh) MARVELED at the faith demonstrated by the Roman Centurion, if He knew the future just how was he SURPRISED? -- Matthew 8:5-13.
The only place that the past, the present and the future run contingently and concurrently with one another is between the ears of man. As the only place that time demonstrates such ability is in the theories presented by man and brought to life in some Hollywood movie, for indeed the scriptures do not declare anywhere within their pages that time demonstrates such characteristics.
The idea that God thought of and planned every circumstance as related to man would lead one to conclude that God planned all the evil in the world as well, but the scriptures declare this is not so, and man uses his free will himself to choose between good and evil bringing about evil circumstances when he (man) so chooses evil over good, "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:......" -- Genesis 3:22. Also, "Let no man say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God', for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He himself tempt anyone." -- James 1:13. (RD)