@Adam Bing,
A wishful thought by the left, hoping that the conservatives by accepting Mr. Giuliani and his position of placing America first might be a sign of the religious right losing power, WRONG. All this shows is what the conservatives have been saying all along, our country and its protection must come first and foremost, just like the constitution mandates. If we were in a time of peace without world wide conflicts being engaged, Mr. Giuliani would never have a prayer, so to speak, as the conservatives would consider the lesser social issues of our time, the "root" to his success is his strong stance on national defense. I, just like all other well informed conservatives know to be is this fact, what good is social ideologies, if there is no country to socialize in? He is the lesser of two evils and his experience in crime mandates his position in the poles, not his stances on either abortion nor gun control, we as conservatives are just placing the plow behind the horse, in its PROPER PLACE. A concept the liberals of this nation yet fail to grasp, as they let our defense go at the expense of socialized "bribery", power at any expense. A true American places his country and its defense above party positions, when it is required, just as true liberals of the past have done. Men like JFK, FDR, Truman, all true democrats, that would never try to cease power at the expense of national security.
Now Mr. Clinton, seemed to have a problem with this concept as well. He was responsible for cutting our intelligence gathering capacity by some 30%, while mandating civil laws that would not allow one branch of law enforcement to communicate with another, all under the guise of civil liberty infringements, all the while a "declaration" of war by the fundamentalist went "unnoticed". Leading up to 9/11. And all the while pouring more fuel on the fire of social spending that has almost bankrupted us, at the tune of spending some 6 trillion dollars on the war on poverty without gaining anything on the poverty level, in fact the only gains made during this time period was in crime, as our national crime rate has went up some 300% over the life of this "undeclared" war. I would suggest if one wishes to make argument for "declaring" defeat, with monetary concerns being "paramount" in concern, why not declare defeat on this social war with its waste at the expense of our national security? If there is no country, what is there to socialize? If waste and fraud were eliminated from the many wasteful programs, it would not only pay for our defense, but every man woman and child could have the "ever" elusive total health care.
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