@Adam Bing,
It is quite sad that there are still people who believe the earth to be only a few thousand years old. And even sadder that they teach their children this belief, and to mock anyone who believes otherwise. As if somehow their book is more proof than all the data and evidence collected over the last century. I even had one guy, who told me that some bishop a long time ago had calculated
exactly when the earth was created, I think he said it was a Thursday. I could hardly respond due to my laughter. I mean seriously who believes this crap?
A colleague of mine was just telling me a story about a high school AP class she decided to teach. When they got to evolution, two of the kids created such a stink about the whole thing, she never was able to get through it. Found out later that they were using a guide from there church on how to interupt and "debunk" the evolutionary theory. Because of two small minded kids, 12 missed out on what could have been an informative lesson. And one with concepts that will surely come up on the AP exam.
Seriously, thank goodness I teach at the college level, we don't get so much of that. If any student tried to disrupt my lecture on evolution with biblical drivel, I'd just have there a** removed. Its not worth arguing with folks who refuse to listen to any proof.