SWORD of GOD;43316 wrote:The family religion background affects your present phase of faith. According to the classical response you used here, I guess your family background is JEWISH.
You guessed wrong. Maybe you should read less of the Koran and more on the Humanities.
But do try again. Let me make it easier for you.
- You do not see me criticising the Jews here primarily because they do not actively prosletize / try to convert others. They do not readily accept others into their faith and in today's world - filled with morons who gauge their success by how many conversions took place - that is a definite plus.
- The Jews have have always been aloof and contemptous of other people since Biblical times. It got them into trouble in the past and there is a hypothesis doing the rounds that Christianity is a Roman invention to address the Jewish problem that the Roman empire faced. Whatever the reasons for the Jews not joining the crazy "conversion" bandwagon, we innocent bystanders are grateful for that relief from another bunch of nuts going after our souls. Having the christians and muslims breathing down our necks is bad enough. If the Jewish people want to keep aloof, more power to them. I wish you guys would do the same and leave the rest of us alone.
- having said that, the abused have now become the abuser and the harm the jews do today through their unacceptable occupation of Palestine is quickly overshadowing all their other many accomplishments. The Jewish attitude towards the Palestinians is horrific and disgusting. If I was a Jew as you claim, today I would have been ashamed of being one. But I am not and i regret what they are doing because it is so unnecessary. Israel will reap the harvest of what they are doing in Palestine for many generations and it will not be pretty. Criminials like Ariel Sharon will be seen as the reason for Israel's future sorrows.
As far as you go, I am fast losing respect for you. You are obviously a Wahibi type Sunni totally cloistered in your version of nonsense and clueless as to the real reason why at one time Islam was a great Caliphate.
People like you can never revive Islam to its past glory simply because you are fundamentalist where as the Salladins of the past were great visionaries with a viewpoint that a Wahhabi can never grasp however deep is the mark on his forehead from touching it to the ground in prayer.
In your world view, all the crimes of the world can be blamed on the Jews and the west. As a result of such an approach, the Islamic world is wallowing in its own neglect. Issues resulting from their own follies and ignorance are ignored because Muslim minds appear determined to focus on just one matter: Israel&Amercia. Their societies are a mess. Their youth is beleagured from all sides. There is not a single truly advanced civilized society in the Muslim world barring Malaysia and that is only because they remain multicultural with a preponderence of Chinese influence to counter the monotheist mindset.
East Asia was exploited by the west as badly as the Middle East. Worst I would think and they had no mitigation through oil. These people, the Chinese, Japanese, Korean hunkered down and began to work hard to improve their lot against all odds. They did not take refuge in hate, religion, violence or laziness. In this way, they have extracted the best revenge on the West. Far better and sweeter than the path you have choosen.
Learn from those people. It may yet save the Islamic world from itself.