FedUpAmerican;33055 wrote:Two forms of self-deception rules over Christianity.
The first self-deception is in the effort to convince themselves that they are lost sinners and deserving of eternal torment in the fires of hell, had it not been for Jesus being made a bloody sacrifice for their sins. Sins they could not possibly be responsible for.
The second deception is in the vain effort to persuade themselves that they truly love that one who would damn them to hell, not for vile deeds, but simply for the lack of belief!
Now although many may think that others are deserving of a hell, few, if any, truthfully believe that they are.
And who could love one that would cast them into a fiery pit to be tormented eternally because of doubts, or lack of belief?
True Dat! Trust me...my God ain't nothing like "their" God...I was in a empowerment group, once, and in one of the exercises, I learned that we get our initial concept of God from our parents....I was estranged from my father, and in turn, I felt, during most of my childhood, estranged from God...thinking the only hope for me was a life in the priesthood...probably would have wound up a sexually repressed homosexual clergyman...thank God, that did not happen...I think there is nothing worse than a hypocrite.
To doubt, or to question is to be human....God is too much God to be tripping as we humans "trip", OK? I'm sure He finds it quite amusing (if God can be amused) that we make such a big deal of things...in simplistic terms, the only thing that matters is love, and kindness...all the rest is just human bull.
I finally came to the realization that God loves us all, imperfect as he made us, and that I am lovable and possess the ability to love...that cleared up a lot of baggage. I am a work in progress, and am in the process of becoming who and what I was meant to be.