FedUpAmerican;33387 wrote:The tortured image of a man suffering until death.
This is what Christians worship.
Look at the pain and suffering that is captured in that image. Look hard at the love of your God.
You "eat of his flesh and drink of his blood" to make you feel closer to Him.
Why would any reasonably sane individual think to ever get involved with this ****?
Yet CHILDREN are subjected to these vile images in loving Chistian households on a daily basis, but are forbidden to play violent video games or, heaven forbid, listen to evil rock music.
Look close at the figure you pray to.
Can you really see love in that barbaric image?
Yet it seems that non-believers are crucified by some Christians for NOT believing. Even here on this forum there are those that solely wish to squelch the voice of opposition through censorship and child-like pouting.
Have we not grown as a society to respect each others viewpoints without slanderous words hurled at those with opposing ideals?
Are we still living in the dark ages where people cannot live and love one another even though they disagree?
I find that quite sad and pathetic.
You always lump all Christians into one. Please quit doing so. Why not just ask questions instead of making statements that point a finger at a whole group?
I have many pictures of Christ in my home. None are of the cruxifiction. I have a beautiful painting of Christ sitting on a hill overlooking the city of Jerusalem, another of him praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, others with him playing with children, etc.
Check out the paintings by Greg Olsen:
Greg Olsen - O
The cruxifiction was a horrible example of man's inhumanity towards a person they were afraid of. Instead of trying to learn about the things he was teaching they were afraid of the unseen power of this unworldy person that had entered their realm.
The atonement did not happen on the Cross. It happened in the Garden. That was the time of his greatest suffering for us all. Being hung on a Cross was a time for 'our' greatest suffering.
Maybe seeing that should remind people of the terrible wrongs we do to one another without trying to get to know and respect each other.