@Red cv,
Red;32895 wrote:Do you have any intention of having civil conversations or is insulting us your main purpose? The title of this thread is beyond insulting, you should seek help for the hatred you have buried deep inside yourself. You have to be a liberal, intolerance and hatred seem to be their ethos exspecially during an election. By the way it's not us Cons that sleep around and advocate any lifestyle is acceptable it's the left that embrace any and all forms of sexual deviance. How long before the left and their absolute tolerance of perverts has society accept pedophiles as normal sexual beings. Hell shall freeze over first.
I was polite this time I won't be next time. You want to discuss religion at least apply a modicum of civilaty.
My post was not insulting to anyone at all. It was simply a statement of facts. Now if you have trouble with the post, TRY refuting it instead of getting your panties in a wad.
You didn't need to tell me that you are a "con" because your rebuttal, devoid of facts, show me that you are.
As far as your threat about "not being as nice next time" I say bring it on junior. I have chewed up and spit out war mongering, hypocrite people like you before.
So if you want a battle of wits or an intelligent debate, I can provide you both.