RedOct;65037 wrote: 1. Law of Entropy tells us that things left alone only worsen. A home left unattended for years will only deteriorate with time.
Entropy and Evolution
Entropy is NOT Disorder
As an aid for conceptualizing entropy, it is often described as a measurement of disorder. This is not intended as a definition of either entropy or disorder. Entropy is determined by the number of ways you could achieve a state, disorder is defined by the amount of violation of an ordering rule. The assignment "entropy is disorder" is intended to describe situations such as "the more space a gas takes up, the higher its entropy is, and the less you know about where all the molecules are (which in a casual sense means more disorder)". This conceptual link between entropy and disorder should not be interpreted as saying that increased disorder is increased entropy. An example of how entropy isn't disorder is that if you take a piece of glass, which is an amorphous material (one whose atoms are disordered), and place it in a fridge to cool it down, you will not change the atom locations. The glass remains just as disordered, but its entropy decreases as its temperature drops. In fact, in a very good fridge, the closer you brought it to absolute zero (-273.15 C or -459.67 F) to closer its entropy would become to zero. This would all happen without changing its structural disorder.
Entropy and Life
To argue that evolution is inconsistent with the second law of thermodynamics it is usually stated that evolution is a continual process of achieving higher order and design, which is against the second law. This is an argument based on casual definition of terms, rather than on quantification of order, design, and entropy. I hope that by this point it is reasonably clear that this argument actually has little if anything to do with the second law of thermodynamics. How would one propose to measure the relative order or design increase that would accompany any evolutionary step? What number represents the difference between standing erect and walking on all fours, between having only day vision and between having also developed night vision...? If we cannot answer such questions, then arguments about order and design will fall outside the realm of science.
To determine whether anything about the chemical processes of life violates the second law of thermodynamics requires looking at all the process on an individual basis. If there is no violation in the absorption of sunlight, or in any subsequent reactions, then there cannot be any violation of the second law as the net sum of such reactions (see the previous section on scaling). I am not personally aware of any such individual spots where the second law is violated. In fact, the second law is about as close as science comes to having sacrosanct laws. Any violations of this law that were discovered anywhere, no matter how small they were, would be very big news... I'm sure I would have heard of it.
Closing Remarks
RedOct;65037 wrote:2. Darwin said that evolution is driven by NEED. Man always wanted to fly. Yet man invented machines to help him fly, but never grew feathers.
Really? Is that really you're 2nd best proof of creation?
1st. Do you know what evolutionary need is? Its survival...and there is no guaranty that because there is an evolutionary need that it will be met. If that were so then nothing would ever go extinct.
2nd. A Cat never gives birth to a Dog and no evolutionary biologist has ever made a statement to that effect. And No abiogenssis is not part of Darwinian evolution, it is an entirely different subject.
3rd. Humans, their want to fly is not on of any biological need, so why would it ever evolve. Flight is mental/emotional/cultural desire at best, not a need and giving their evolutionary advantages in intelligence its easier to make a flying machine than evolve functional wings.
RedOct;65037 wrote: 3. Time factor can be achieved by numbers too. Today, news from one corner of the planet spread to another within days, if not hours. Man has multiplied to dominate the planet, but never mutated.
Wat? This isn't even an argument against evolution and barely is sensical to begin with.
RedOct;65037 wrote:4. In one experiment, rats tails were cut for 20 generations, yet they continued to be born with tails.
Wat again?
Really. I feel bad for ID'ers they have such little understanding of evolution you can't even be mad at them. They just find whatever outdated creationist propaganda that they can find just repost it every where.
Im sure soon a post will be made containing a biblical verse about non believers eye being blinded or something to that effect.