@Truth Re-Minder,
Here is small bit. Some times I receive a thought, or a feeling in answer to my question. I try to be as open and clear as possible so that I don't influence what I receive with my own belief's, feelings ect, which is I think impossible to do. So maybe 80% to 90% of it is pure, I try my best. God's voice is in Italics. Prior to this writing I was in a very dark and hopeless place.
Something funny?
I’ve known all along, all this time, all this pain, heartache, and struggle. I’ve had the answer through it all. ‘The sudden influx of spirit sends ripples of bliss through my body’.
Of course *smiles*, you just had yet to re-member the answer.
Yeah I knew but didn’t know I knew, and now I am here again as though I never left.
Actually, you didn’t leave at all.
I know. It seems like I’m right back, right where I was years ago.
Time has little meaning here. Aside from the influence it has on your perception, which sees time and events along linear lines, time is entirely different from my vantage.
Really, how so?
In actually all that ‘is happening’ has already happened and it all has yet to happen.
Whoa. How does that work?
See time like an onion, what is happening for you now is a single layer, and though it may seem you are moving from event to event, layer to layer, I see all layers at once.
So you are outside the onion?
I am the onion. And so are you. But temporal consciousness gets locked into whatever layer it is currently fixated upon. This is the experience you have of leaving my presence, when in actuality your focus has narrowed its perception upon the object of experience, making it seem that you are a part from the greater whole. But in truth you haven’t left the whole but simply have become ‘lost’ within it.
Wow, that’s a beautiful analogy I think I can understand it to, although the experience of it is a bit more elusive to explain.
Yes, the limitation of using words to explain experiences can only be successful to those who have experienced them or those with a vivid imagination. But all of you have experienced these things at some point, which makes understanding a matter of remembering, of allowing what you know to come forth from within, this is one of the purposes of this writing, to draw out what you already know. The feeling of revelation, of new knowledge, is in fact the remembrance of what you have always known.