@Truth Re-Minder,
[QUOTE='Truth' Re-Minder;27423]I do not know much but this I know, after having a near Death experience.
There is a dimension of being just beyond normal consciouness. And it is pure unconditional love, pulsing and writhing in waves of bliss and oneness. It is conscious as it is all things, including you and me, adn every being, every animal, every person, It is all things. It is a spiritual macrocosim of our body, as the cells of our body are the microcosim to the greater spiritual body.
It dosen't matter what you call it, as it is beyond name. It needs no worship, no recognition as it simply is. It has been called many things, and surely is the source of all spiritual inspiration and love. I have heard others had the same experience, and call it love-presence. That is it, I call it the sea of love. In this presence fear is impossible, as well as any negetive human experinece or concept. Hell, condemnation, judgement, or any other fear, does not and cannot exist. And when you are bathed in this light you know this with a certaintiy so utter no one and no thinng can convince you otherwise. There is nothing you must do or be to earn this. No God you must beleive in, no forgiveness you must ask for. Nothing you could possibly do could keep you from this as it is beyond all action and consequence. It is so big there is no where else to go. Only limited conscouiness keeps us from experinecing this, and the imaginings of the mind. Nor must we wait until we cross over to be re-united with the esence of who we truly are.
I hope it brings someone some comfort.[/QUOTE]
There are some people who talk about their near death experiences, and they sounded like yours except they saw people come to greet them and they seemed very happy when they first met them, yet after a while these people changed and began to kick and bite them. As time passed it got very bad. Then the person screamed out to God and these people had to run away from the person they were attacking. The person being attacked came back to life and now is a Christian. Sometimes first impressions may not be all they seem to be. The person in question may not agree with your ideas of Hell not existing.