@Truth Re-Minder,
[QUOTE='Truth' Re-Minder;27179]Hello fellow posters, I'm new here obviously, but not so new to debate and posting. Still haven't figured out how to multi-post quote's, as my focus is art and writing not tech, even simple things most idiots can do. I rank somewhere beneath them. Anyway I love the 'Truth' whatever that is, and good argument, at least I used too when I presumptously imagined I could actually change someone's else's mind. It's amusing to watch others and myself attempt to when mostly we are just mentally masterbating by spouting own veiws. Its actually possible to be addicted to argueing as that feeling being right realeases chemicals and such. But most of us are unaware of this, which often is the reason for our blind-spots. Thus as all quest's for truth, must begin with self-honesty, a trait I admire, whether I agree with you or not.
Now I understand all we can really do is lead someone to there own truth, either through agreement, or contrast and repulsion. Nor can we teach or reveal anything new, but re-mind each other what we already know, hence the name. And since 'absolute truth is but the sum total of all subjective's truth's' who can really say what is the 'Truth'. But I feel such pondering is a good way to start. I look forward to be re-minded by you my fellow posters, one way or another, and perhaps return the favor as well.
Welcome. You will like it here. We strictly follow the principles of scientific debate. Every comment made perfectly adheres to methods of
Socratic Logic. In fact, the ghost of Socrates frequents these environs, and holds us accountable to
The Rule of his namesake. Welcome, again. :swordfight:
Of course I'm just kidding.