@marcus cv,
Unfortunately for that contention there are several problems...1st - Augustus only conducted censuses in 12 BCE, 8 BCE, 6 CE and 14 CE, this means that if Jesus was born during either of the 1st century BCE, he would have started his ministry and been executed long before John the Baptist or Pilate were on the scene, which would negate the historic value all the gospels. 2nd - We have an accurate listing of the governors of Syria from the inception of the province to the fall of the Byzantine Empire (the successor of the Roman Empire) and during the 1st century BCE Cyrenius is not mentioned as governor. 3rd - there were no dual governancies, anyone with any knowledge of Roman culture would understand that no one of consular rank would betray his "dignitas" (standing in society) by subjugating himself to another of equal rank - imperium was never shared. 4th - we can track Cyrenius career and at the time of both of the 1st century BCE censuses, he was in Rome. 5th - Galilee was an independent nation at the time of all the censuses, thus Joseph and Mary would have no reason to respond to the dictates of an alien ruler. 6th - only the 6 CE census involved anyone other than Roman citizens...so no, I don't think there was any possibility of any other census...Apologists have tried many ploys to make another census to bring Matthew and Luke into line but none work - face it, the NT is mythology based on mythology based on mythology and the religion is no more valid than Buddhism, Mithran, Zoroasterism, Judaism or Taoism. :patriot: