I have stated my opinion of her in a post above. In short she makes money by saying shocking things. ( see above the don rickels school of mean)
As a christian I do not judge her for her sexual escapades . I know that sexual sin has been on this planet since man walked it. The bible is full of sexual sins. Why do you think man was allowed all those wifes and concubines? To appear that sex with hundreds or thousands of women was legitimate and sanctioned by God? This is not the case at all God created sex and knew it would be a lust that made many sin.
Remember that when this world is finished in God's time we shall not be given in marriage but shall be as the angels are. I take that to mean
if there is still sex it will not be to procreate, more likely sex will not be a interest.
So I do not judge Ann , she does only what others do outside marriage what millions , or hundred millions of times a day. I like the truth , and truth be told millions of times a day people have sex across this world and it is not by the benefit of marriage. Therefore a sin.
But also thousands a day are killed, a sin.
Thousands starve, a sin when this world could feed them.
And remember the bible tells us that all sin is the same to God. He hates it all and cannot look upon it. Ann will be judged I believe more for the harm, hate, and contempt she shows her fellow man, than for opening her legs to Bill Maher. After all God will give her a new body if she is to live after judgment so she will be clean from that sexual sin. But it is impossible to clear the sin we commit against others in deed or thought.
Ann has hurt some of the windows of 911 I am sure . Caused them much anguish , she has hurt many people with her words and our words have power. The tongue is a tool that can kill or do much harm. Ann will answer for hers, I keep mine harnessed where others are concerned.
Drnaline;36512 wrote:So, as a Christian. What is your opinion of her, LOL.