@Greatest I am cv,
Slavery is as old as prostitution industry. They have brought great material and sexual benefits to the elite minority (Jews for the last few centuries) - but turned into more than any Holocaust in the history of humanity. Before the dawn of Islam - both of these evils were practiced by the followers of every known religions - topped by Judaism. Islam put adultery and prostitution into the "major sins" slot - while termed slavery as an "undesirable act". The result was that within 100 years of the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) death - slavery was eradicated in the entire Muslim world.
The current state of world poverty is the result of over 150 year of Judo-Christian colonization of Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America and Australia. These colonialists acted worse than thieves and butchers. They murdered tens of millions of innocent people and looted their natural resources and scientific achievements - the very theft is still being carried out by the old colonial powers under different slogans, such as, democracy, women's liberation, human-rights, freedom of press and the best of all "War on Terrorism" - carried out by terrorist governments.
How the world has been exploited by these vultures can be judged by the United States' example. The US has less than 6% of world's population but it consumes 40% of world's resources and produces 50% of world's garbage. The US boasts 4,500 billionaires and 325,000 millionaires - great majority of them Jewish.
The removal of financial plundering would certainly solve the starvation problem - but in case of slavery, the world needs another Messiah.