Saving literal readers of the Bible and Fundamentals.
YouTube - Problems of Literalism 1: Reconciling with Inerrancy
YouTube - Who Wrote The Bible? (1/12)
Thank God I have saved literal readers and Fundamentalists.
As a Deist, my closest label, and a Religionist, I think it my duty to help people find the Godhead and protect the reputation of Religionists of all stripe. I believe that our greatest threat is from within in the form of literal readers of scripture and the more Fundamental adherents to the WORD.
The great harm they do is to take good Bibles that try to show a direction toward godliness and good living and turn these good Bibles into books of fairy tales with their beliefs in fantasy.
It is often times a drudgery but I must admit that I get a great pleasure when I turn a literal reader or Fundamental.
It is sometimes a tough job but my sense of mission keeps me at it.
I only post this to share and encourage those who like me, fight to bring those who believe in fantasy, to reality. Keep up the good work.
For evil to grow, all good men need do is nothing and to those like me, who wish to reduce evil, I offer encouragement.
Let us continue to try to bring literalist and Fundamentals to sanity. It is the right thing to do.
We are our brothers keeper after all and since all literal readers and Fundamentals hurt all Religionist, it is our duty to turn them away from their strange ideas of God.
Those ideas lead to this type of abuse.
Channel 4 - Dispatches - Saving Africa's Witch Children
Dispatches - Saving Africa's Witch Children - Channel 4
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