@Greatest I am cv,
In a mono theistic system many powerfull gods naturally wont work but are substituted by angels and even daemons or offspring.Sanctified prophets must be included as they get worship status.Sacrifice has been ritualised.
Where else,in a pre mono theistic system the distribution of resposibilities was quite successfull for at least as long as todays beliefs.
A god for crops a goddess for this or that.Often mimicing human social life.
Aegypt,Greece and Mesopotamia come to mind.Prior to that even right into the middle ages and still practiced in some tribal societies today,it was a spiritual world of mystical or even psychotropic realms.
Deep meditation,trance or shamanistic drug induced visions play a role.
Mysticism is still practiced in the main religions today.
Those old systems were mostly replaced by a violent war take over and a subsequent new ruler enforced the new system.Does this mean a god dies with social change and a successor takes over like in survival of the most successfull species?
There are paralells if one thinks like Darwin,which are intriguing.
Flare ups of pagan or ritualistic systems are every now and then intermingled with so called pseudo or new age trends.
I wont get into naming todays dominant religous sources as this will derail the discussion
and lead to rigtheous claims.
To me it is more a question of the developing changes in human belief systems.The obvious slow adaptability to modern day demands,might be the start of a completely new direction of human spiritual consciousness.Not yet but we have seen this through out history.4000 or 2000 years is actually not a long live span for any god entity unless the entity evolves or gets replaced.Rivals and the winners aside as they seem to come and go and are interchange able in the long term.
I hope this is not taken the wrong way as it is a phylosophical exchange.
If someone must always win the battle then war is godly,there goes the realm of peace and paradise,even that god will be slain according to the principle.Very much like chaos theory and pagan similarities.Or the eternal struggle in nature.Which to me does not look like a single entity system.
(not easy to say this in english)