@Greatest I am cv,
Your non-existant god-creature :
1) Knows everything (all knowledgable)
2) All powerful
So, if that is correct, do we have free will?
Lets say you make a choice.
Choice A or B. We are in time at 9:00am. I will make My choice at 9:01am.
God, knowing everything, must also know what My choice will be at 9:00am. Relative to My time, god would need to what the answer was to know everything. Lets say he knows I will pick choice (A).
So, to Me, I must either:
1) Choose B, and proves god wrong. (Yet he knows everything and is never wrong).
2) Choose A, and god is still all-knowing. But then, I have no free will to choose B, unless god can be wrong.
So, what gives?