@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;66935 wrote:Only a fool would believe that God would create a everlasting hell. You seem to be such a fool.
Debate the merits of hell so I can refute them or run away into your us and them attitude. make your God master of some after He began being master of all. Reduce His power all you want. make Him fail all you want. that just shows that you do not know God.
Only the guilty think they can get away with anything they want without punishment.
So sorry, but God isn't the fool you want him to be.
So unfortunately, you'll find out who the
real fool is when you die...it's the one who who's deceived into believing that he's more powerful than God is. :rollinglaugh: But since you're choosing hell over heaven, then your complaints about hell are as contradictory as your posts. Sorry.