@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;62618 wrote:Should nuns do it.
On past occasions nuns have petitioned the Vatican to be raised from their subordinate position within the Church. At present the Vatican is having some problems in finding priests to replace an ever deepening hole in their ranks.
Would this be a good time for nuns to girdle their loins and have another crack at the Vatican. Would our new Pope have a kinder ear than the previous Popes? Is the Vatican ready to give the souls of nuns the same value as the souls of men or should it keep woman and nuns behind priests and silent?
If things are to be the same in heaven as on it is on earth, does that mean that they are also secondary souls in heaven. This concept sound more like Islam than Christianity.
Does God agree with this gender bias?
First of all, my answer was not hidden in any sense or fashion. Since the need for some hand holding through rather straightforward thinking is evident, here we go:
The nuns germane to your question clearly have two roles (at the LEAST): the role of nun, or bride of Christ, and the role of woman. For the sake of simplicity I am going to bracket other roles such as daughter, sister, aunt, friend, citizen, consumer, etc.
When a woman takes the vows of nunhood (wd?) she DEDICATES her LIFE to the service of Christ, whether that be a monastic vow or an active service vow. The nature of the commitment to nunhood requires that it be a number one priority. Total dedication and service to the teachings of Christ and his chief agent on earth, the papacy.
The teachings of the Tent-Maker explicitly require second class citizenship for women. Do I agree with this position? Certainly not, but pointing out a flaw in the church, as I had done before, in NO WAY entails that I endorse that position. Rather, from the perspective of the dogma that those in religious sisterhood must needs subscribe to, it is clear that they cannot remain true to their beliefs and pursue the course of action posited in the initial question.
The taking of hard core religious vows preempts and nulls any cry for equality. The Bible, whether taken literally or not, is the chief source of authority in the various Christian traditions. I cannot think of one book less morally sound than the Bible. Not one (A loving god who advocates genocide, rape, rejects science, teaches people to despise themselves, teaches people to abdicate rational thought, ad infinitum). How could a worldview so rooted in immoral conduct (Is the Inquisition any different from the Gestapo?) possibly allow for the elimination of gender bias?
This is the worldview these women signed up for. If they can make something positive happen for themselves and their status then g o o d f o r t h e m. But it WILL NOT be the Christian thing to do i n a n y s e n s e.