Wed 11 Feb, 2009 12:33 am
Jesus/God sacrifices to Jesus/God. This is not a sacrifice, it is penance for sin.
8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
(New Testament | Hebrews5:8)
Yes, even though Jesus was perfect, he was still able to learn, and grow. One way to define perfect would be a being who eternally progresses. Perfection then is always in evolution.
Suffering comes from sin.
Sacrifice is done for or to God.
If Jesus/God sacrifices to or for himself as God then I submit that this is not a sacrifice.
If you were to sacrifice something to yourself, where is the sacrifice? All you have done is transferred something from your right hand to your left. In other words, no sacrifice at all.
If Jesus was doing anything with his death, it would then have been atonement for his sins.
We all learn from our mistakes and sins.
Thank God Eve chose to eat of the tree of knowledge or we could not learn as Jesus did.
Was the death of Jesus a penance or an atonement for his sins?
@Greatest I am cv,
Any sacrifice at all seems totally unnecessary and arbitrary. Why would an omnipotent god need a sacrifice to forgive mankind?
@Fatal Freedoms,
Christians want us to believe that god had to sacrifice himself to himself so that he wouldn't condemn his most beloved creations to eternal that is what you can call "Amazing Grace"...LOL :patriot:
@dattaswami cv,
Then we should have a miracle worker here and now.
We do not.
Reincarnation is hogwash unless you have some evidence of it.
If we are in God's image then we can understand Him if we can understand ourselves. We can.
We have all eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that leads to understanding ourselves and God.
Only the mentally lazy have not and hide truth behind-God works in mysterious ways-and ,-God cannot be understood. Come back when you are not so mentally lazy.
Numpty;64147 wrote:You don't learn do you?
Evidence please
Is that an open statement for all here?
Eh, there is a quote function.