@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;64504 wrote:Evil is good. As all of Gods gifts are.
God looked at Eden and said it was good. Eden included Satan to represent evil, the talking snake to represent society and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. All good.
It is said that all of God’s works are perfect. Evil and sin then, as His works and creation, must be perfect.
Genesis tells us that to know God better and understand His philosophy, we must eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In fact we must eat of the evil side. Evil it seems is a better teacher than the good. Perhaps because of guilt and shame. This is what Eve chose and this is where we gain our moral sense.
Sin and evil were born in heaven before the earth was even formed. God cast 1/3 of angels (most think evil but actually good), to earth to help teach us this valuable lesson. Why else would He give us these angels if they were not benevolent? He would certainly not wish us evil, would He?
If God’s will cannot be thwarted then Eve did not fall at all but leapt to a glorious future of knowing why she and we are to follow God. A glorious leap to a history that we would not have if she had not had the intelligence or curiosity to begin our great journey.
If you were Eve, what would you do?
Eat of it and learn morals and wisdom or
not eat of it and remain in ignorance of why you should follow God.
Evil did not come into existence UNTIL AFTER MANKIND chose to SIN...in fact God's Word clearly informs us that evil did not exist...when God looked at His creation and declared that "it is good" not only good but VERY GOOD. It was man that chose with the gift of free will, which indeed is a good thing, not to follow God's advise and in doing so man brought Sin and Evil into this world. Evil/Sin exists because PEOPLE love it and choose it (Jer. 5:30-31).
Mankind could have chosen to use KNOWLEDGE to do good works...but in fact the very first action chosen by man after doing what he was informed not to do was, an action engaging sin...a lie. Evil does not exist because of knowledge, but evil exists because man chooses to engage that knowledge in an evil fashion as God clearly informs us, "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5). But not all men "chose" to engage their freewill and knowledge in an evil fashion as Noah found favor in God's eye. (Genesis 6:8-9).
Clearly EVIL came into this world as a product of MAN BEING "LIKE GOD".....being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). When man used freewill to be "AS ONE OF US"/part of the Godhead...in knowledge. (Genesis 3:22)....man had the inherent power to generate evil or good....to choose, and he did.....thus God had no choice but to cast man from the garden where the TREE OF LIFE existed which had the power to make physical man...immortal. (Genesis 3:23).
Clearly mankind has the power to choose and create evil, and being made in the image of God...is a spiritual Image...as God is a Spirit (John 4:24). Man is not a Spirit and is limited by his physical body...and does not have access to all the knowledge of the universe and is not OMNISCIENT in his choices and this ignorance creates EVIL when the wrong choices are engaged and placed into action....as indeed the path to Hell is paved with good intentions. Thus what was GOOD in the beginning became less than perfect because God was GOOD in giving man the power to choose.....as love cannot be mandated it must be chosen, for indeed how was God to know if any man was capable of loving Him if he was not given the freedom....NOT TO LOVE HIM?