@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;52248 wrote:Not where I live.
Looking at the dark side gives them a look at the other side at the same time.
When studying good and evil, it may not mater if you look at one side or the other first.
We have to go by the action s that are produced by the look.
Populations are growing and more are looking.
If you were right and more were going to the dark force then populations would be in decline.
Look again for the first time and you will see more good people than evil people. This has always been the case.
Unfortunately Mr Campbell (where is he these days) has already put that one to bed, being good isn't good enough, you have to believe, be pure and give yourself to jesus. Only then will you make it to the big cloud in the sky.
I seem to remember it saying that only a few 10's of thousands will eventually be 'saved' on 'judgement day'. Considering we have a global population of some 6 Billion one could summise that there will be **** all space in hell and plenty of room in heaven.
Of course you have to believe all that horse **** first, but hey ho' I have paid my money and I will take my chance