@Greatest I am cv,
Then I need to be more plain.
I don't see God as something apart from what I am myself. There is no all or nothing in that sense. People are limited by their individuality. They willingly do so.
But if you come here for the experience of being a human, you would be deprived of that if you had full awareness, the kind you have as a naked soul. The human mind has limitations that are individual to each person. We use our various talents to unravel the mysteries of life. Part of that is community, but the final leg of the journey is purely internal.
Your own mind has strengths and weaknesses that are individual to you. That's what individuality is all about.
When you move away from that idea, you move towards the godhead, the universal mind. Away from personal desire and towards desire for the health of the hive. Still an individual, but now you're in lock step with others, like musicians jamming in a band.
You move as one. Because you are one. Just individual expressions of the one.
The mind is Satanic by the way it tears this oneness in half and declares one half better than the other.
The reality is they are both identical.
It's your individual filters that say this and not that. That's the "devil" whispering in your ear. It divides. It belongs to your personal power of creation.
What is creation if not continous division of the whole?
If you want to know what "God" is, you have to turn around. Go back the way you came, recombining as you go.
The last few pieces of the puzzle are easy.