@Greatest I am cv,
"we would basically be as dumb as cows because without knowledge of good and evil, we would have no knowledge of most of what we know"
You know nothing other than what you think you know.
If, you are a thinker only.
To be truly spiritual, beyond the beliefs and conditions the mind imposes on reason, is to have access to another level of perception.
All that you have stored within the mind believing it to be gold, has lost the majority of it's value in light of this new found sight. Still useful, as it helps you navigate this life, but things like religion and deities have no further power over you.
You have woke up, while billions around you still sleep. Their dreams are the world around you. You have no expectation of change, as the nature of this world has a purpose to serve, but you can still wake those you like so they may see the reality of it.
Most will go back to sleep. But their dreams will bear the fruit of this seed I plant.