@Greatest I am cv,
Quote:My question then is,
Do you see God’s universe as perfection in evolution, or,
Do you see God’s initial perfection gone and replaced by imperfection?
Is God still looking down with a smile as His perfection continues to evolve over never ending time as befits a God of perfect works, or
Is God looking down and saying, oops, what happened to my perfect universe and world. It backslid.
If such a deity does exist, then I can see no perfection in its works. A simple look at the human body, if we follow the hypothesis that it was made as-is with no changes since its inception, shows this for all to see.
Your two questions are insufficient. You ask is its works perfect or are they perfect that went awry. Unfortunately perfection allows for NO room to "go awry"... that would be imperfection built upon imperfection. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that the works, if done by a deity, are imperfect from the start. This does not look good for the omnipresence team. Perfection would not dissolve into imperfection, nor would it be replaced.