@Greatest I am cv,
God is the creator of both evil and good.
when this is all over we will not be as children, we will be worthy of spending time with our God.
One cannot know hunger , unless they have been hungry themselves.
One cannot understand illness , if they have never been sick.
One cannot know happiness, until they understand sadness and loss.
One cannot value love till they have seen its opposite hate.
One cannot know goodness, until evil is understood.
When this is all over, all creation will understand that without God we are all lost and evil will take hold.
I know in a world so full of evil, death and sadness it seems like a lesson hard to learn.
But I have faith ,when its all over; we will as the bible says praise the way God has numbered, and ordered our world.
And the good news is evil will not be a problem then, when God takes control of this world again.
God will show us real perfection, love and beauty then.