Xen Buddhism Prays to an IDol a God Named (I dont know how to spell it so i will break it down with common pronounciations) Shock-uh-mooney, (the litle fat guy who sat on a mountain and his legs froze (some god eh couldnt even st8in his own legs LOL.
There is also NSA budhism, which is VERY relgious oriented, Read the translated (again sorry for not knowing the spelling) DIE Guh-hone-zone.
The of course there are the tibetin Budhists, who are a sole mission to find inner peace and Enlightenment, this enlightment takes may reincarnated lifetimes, but to my knowledge once you are enlightened you no longer are reborn and you are one with the gods.
I don't think Budhism is just a practice in any sense I believe it is a religion.