Drnaline;60441 wrote:One more instance where i agree with you Sabz.
Here's the problem... we damn near MUST bail these greedy and corrupt bastards out, because if we don't they will take the entire American economy with them. It's a no-win situation for the taxpayer that we simply can't abstain from.
The reason all this mess has happened is the rampant deregulation that has been going on for the past decade. The walls put in place to prevent this from happening were torn down year after year with the HOPES that it will make the market more efficient and with the HOPES that the execs and bigwigs wouldn't take advantage of the relaxed rules.
Turns out they were both wrong. Now, each and every one of us... you AND me, are now out almost three thousand dollars. Three grand isn't much to these fatcats, but for me that's twice the value of my car... that's two and a half month's rent... that's money I really can't afford to cough up.
And it's money I shouldn't have to cough up, but GOD DAMNIT, if I don't it's going to be worse... Rock, meet Hard Place.
There is no single word that can describe how infuriated I am. Actually, there is: Obama. I cannot, in sound mind, vote for a man who for the past two decades pushed the legislation that broke down the regulatory walls which put us in this situation that we are ALL currently facing.
I know we need this bailout, I know that is what is best for America. However I will stand against it as my way of saying "YOU WERE WRONG." Part of me wants to get this over with... just get the painful part done so we can all move on, and part of me wants to see this whole thing burn just so that America as a whole learns a valuable lesson in the difference in how things *SHOULD* work, and how they *DO* work. I want to serve these bastards who put us here piles of crow as tall as the eye can see.