Fri 7 Sep, 2007 08:48 am
This is the topic in another (unnamed) site I frequent.
The basis of the argument is...
The Virgin Mary was but 13 years old when she became pregnant (allegedly at the will of God, I think personally she was raped and since stoning of both the ATTACKER and THE VICTIM was the practice in those times, the emasculate conception came to be, but thats not the issue here)
The biggest argument that tried to default the thread title is as follows.
Times were different then, it was okay then.
To which a NEW (new to me) response came about.
Slavery was okay then, Killing your wife (no divorce) was okay then. even more recently, Shoot outs between you and another person (old wes) were okay.
Today those things ARE NOT okay, and NEITHER is pedophilia. thus God is a pedophile, God did wrong god is bad.
Just thought I would share this. Comment as you wish.
I am having a hard time beieving YOU created this thread. Weird.
rugonnacry;35635 wrote:This is the topic in another (unnamed) site I frequent.
The basis of the argument is...
The Virgin Mary was but 13 years old when she became pregnant (allegedly at the will of God, I think personally she was raped and since stoning of both the ATTACKER and THE VICTIM was the practice in those times, the emasculate conception came to be, but thats not the issue here)
The biggest argument that tried to default the thread title is as follows.
Times were different then, it was okay then.
To which a NEW (new to me) response came about.
Slavery was okay then, Killing your wife (no divorce) was okay then. even more recently, Shoot outs between you and another person (old wes) were okay.
Today those things ARE NOT okay, and NEITHER is pedophilia. thus God is a pedophile, God did wrong god is bad.
Just thought I would share this. Comment as you wish.
Our human lives were much shorter then, if you waited until say, 20 to have kids you were very old. Life was hard, if you had an accident with a knife and cut your self cooking you could die from it. Child molester, God... are you joking? I don't think it is implied in the Bible that "God" impregnated mary in the conventional sense, Jesus was created inside her by God. I am totally not a Bible educated person at all, I am a confused person about religion, if I am to be classified it is Christian 100% but more:dunno: Someone with more sense about this "in my opinion silly question" please enlighten me, I want to know.
92b16vx;35652 wrote:I am having a hard time beieving YOU created this thread. Weird.
92 love the avatar! Kick ass:headbang:
There is an alternate thoery that Jesus was the son of Mary and Roman soldier, you might wanna look into it if this sort of thing is your bag baby (saw austin powers last night)
92b16vx;35652 wrote:I am having a hard time beieving YOU created this thread. Weird.
I didnt create it in the other forum.
Silverchild79;35730 wrote:There is an alternate thoery that Jesus was the son of Mary and Roman soldier, you might wanna look into it if this sort of thing is your bag baby (saw austin powers last night)
That kinda thing is not my bag baby, its an Evil post.
I am sure that she got pregnant with her baby just as any other women has. Makes perfect sense to me, I just like to invoke a response. I am a lost person, confused about religion, I say again. yeah baby yeah
How does creating a fetus inside her uterus without engaging in any sexual act (her virginity was supposedly intact) make you a pedophile? I don't follow the logic.
Ah, darn it, I tried not to use my favorite word----BUT
God would have to exist in the Christian sense for your story to be considered true. It is obvious "HOGWASH" and is the oldest fiction accounts of Harry Potter type **** I've seen.
this is obviously christian against atheist ground , i will chip in with the christians , if you dont believe in God then naturally you think all miracles have something hidden behind it, if you believe God exists ( in any christian understanding) then it was within his power to make Mary pregnant with jesus and still be a vergin, if you dont believe in God then she must have had some kind of intercourse ( forced or willingly) , but personally i believe God through his unlimited will and power made mary pregnant with jesus without the touch of a human male.
ofcourse as we all know many disbelieved her and thought that she had commited adultery, only poor her she didnot.
what does HOGWASH mean ?
a 13 year old getting pregnant is not a miracle.