@Truth Re-Minder,
[QUOTE='Truth' Re-Minder;27189]It is sad that children (much less anyone) are and have been exposed to the erronous notion of hell as it is taught by many of the world's religion's primarily Fundamentalist Christianity and Islam. I firmly believe such teachings and fear tactacs used to brain-wash the minds of these children to be nothing short of child abuse, and should be illegal as soon as possible. As a victim of religous abuse, the teaching of a (literal hell and original sin) I would not wish such exposure on anyone especially young minds who cannot yet think for themselves, and whose self-esteem and identity are wrapped up in what there parents and elders teach them.
Such abusive methods are proof of the awful cult-like nature of fundamentalist relgions, and actually contradict the real massage of love the religion's founder taught. Hell is NOT real as it often pictured in the Bible. It simply cannot exist, as it opposes spiritual reality. The real hell is a metaphor for being seperated from God, through poor choices or sin, ( the original meaning of sin is simply 'to error' in greek) Natural consequces are all that is needed to correct ones way's. The notion of a punishing God is absurd and blaspemous, and reflects the ancient and medieval projections of man creating God in his own image, such as Zeus from whom Jehovah is derived.[/QUOTE]
Erronous notions of Hell?
I can tell you today, I have had encounters from beings who came from Hell, and their hatred of Gods creation comes in only second to their hatred of Christ. The supernatural is often revealed when you truly do something in your life that tips the balances in the spirit world. Live a life which ignores the Bible and its truth, and chances are evil will allow you to find comfort in your ignorance. Yet challenge evil by proclaiming the gospel of Christ, and you will see that evil and Hell are not erronous at all. The Bible tells us that demons and Hell are real. I have never seen Hell, yet I have experienced demons. If the Bible was right on the existance of demons who have expressed their fear of Hell to me, than I have no problem believeing the Bible is correct on the existance of Hell. If demons are but a projection of mans own imagination, how is it that this projection has the ability to move objects, speak, and attack others?