Wed 25 Feb, 2009 10:29 am
[SIZE="3"]By The SWORD or FAITH ! [/SIZE]
Muslims are required to be just to all people irrespective of their faith. They are also required to respect all those who are faithful and God-conscious people who received messages from Allah. After all, the prophets of the Jews and the Christians are indeed the prophets of the Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came to the Christians, the Jews, and the pagans as well as to all mankind. Christians and Jews are asked in return to respect Muslims. Christians and Jews are called "People of the Book" in the Qur'an. Muslims are asked to call on the People of the Book for common terms, namely, to worship Allah, and to work together to solve the problems of the society.
The common image of Islam being spread by an Arab on camel back riding in off the desert with a Qur'an in one hand and a scimitar {a curved sword) in the other offering a choice of either accepting Islam or losing one's head.
As mentioned in the article of apostasy, forcible conversion is prohibited in Islam. The religion did not spread by the sword. There were military confrontations between the Muslim state and the existing world powers of Rome and Persia. However, the areas conquered were put under Muslim administration and the populations were free to maintain their own beliefs. Muslims ruled Egypt, Palestine and Lebanon from the 8th century and sizeable Christian communities continued to exist over the past 13 centuries. Muslims ruled Spain for 700 years and India for 1000 years without the vast majority of the population converting to Islam.
The largest Muslim country in the world today is Indonesia, having over 200 million citizens, never saw a Muslim soldier. Islam spread there and in Malaysia and Philippines by trade. That was also the case of Islam's spread in West African countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Chad and Niger. Also, Islam is the fastest growing religion in America today with anywhere between300 and 500 converts daily. This is taking place without any soldiers or even missionaries.
Christians and Jews have lived peacefully with Muslims for over fourteen centuries in the Middle East and in other Asian and African countries. Christians were welcomed by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in his mosque in Madinah. A treaty of peace was signed. They prayed inside the mosque in the Christian way, while the Prophet (pbuh) and the Muslims prayed in the Muslim way. The second Caliph 'Omar, did not pray in the Church in Jerusalem so as not to give the Muslims an excuse to take it over. Christians entrusted the Muslims, and as such the key of the Church in Jerusalem is still in the hands of the Muslims. Jews fled from Spain during the Inquisition, and were welcomed by the Muslims. They settled in the heart of the Islamic Caliphate. They enjoyed positions in the Islamic State.
Crusaders invaded the Middle East and occupied it for about 200 years. This occupation was accompanied with torture and persecution to the local people. However, when Salah Ad-Din liberated the land, he treated them with respect. He gave pardon, and safe passage to his enemies. Muslims entered the city of Jerusalem for the second time without bloodshed - First time was centuries earlier, only few years after the death of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), by the peaceful entry of the Khalifa Omar.
Throughout the Muslims world, churches, synagogues, and missionary schools were built within the Muslim neighborhoods. Such places were protected by the Muslims even during the contemporary crises in the Muslim world. Non-Muslims have flourished in the Muslim world. The mere existence of their presence in large numbers in the Muslim world today proves the justice and tolerance of Islam and Muslims. Tolerance, justice, and coexistence are among the main teachings of Islam that lead to mutual understanding and a better way of life among all people. Islam does not allow Muslims to impose their belief on others. The Qur'an states that "[SIZE="2"]there is no compulsion in religion[/SIZE]" [The Noble Quran 2:256].
What's the thought process on people who do not believe in a magic man in the sky?
Or those who see your religion is based on Judaism and Christianity..both of which are false religions, which makes yours just a copy of two fakes...LOL:patriot:
@mako cv,
Thomas Carlyle in 'Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History,' 1840
"The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man (Muhammad) are disgraceful to ourselves only."
A. S. Tritton in 'Islam,' 1951 wrote:
"The picture of the Muslim soldier advancing with a sword in one hand and the Qur'an in the other is quite false."
De Lacy O'Leary in 'Islam at the Crossroads,' London, 1923 wrote:
"History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated."
Reverend Bosworth Smith in 'Muhammad and Muhammadanism,' London, 1874 wrote:
"Head of the State as well as the Church, he was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without the Pope's pretensions, and Caesar without the legions of Caesar, without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a police force, without a fixed revenue. If ever a man ruled by a right divine, it was Muhammad, for he had all the powers without their supports. He cared not for the dressings of power. The simplicity of his private life was in keeping with his public life."
Alphonse de LaMartaine in 'Historie de la Turquie,' Paris, 1854 wrote:
"Philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator, Conqueror of Ideas, Restorer of Rational beliefs.... The founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?"
Jules Masserman in 'Who Were Histories Great Leaders?' in TIME Magazine, July 15, 1974 wrote:
"Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was Mohammad, who combined all the three functions. To a lesser degree Moses did the same."
I notice that, quite like Christians, you use outdated refences to back up your religion...:patriot: