and I did consider Islam after 9/11 I wanted to understand what was going on with that religion. I read many books that white washed what Islam was about however I did not go to that religion because of one thing. Women covering themselves because some dude said to. Oh they tried to explain in a very nice way to make it seem logical but I saw right through it. Discrimination of women. Women were treated differently from men. Later I read what war really in the koran.
It seems that books published about Islam are carefully screened and whitewashed and sanitized.
When you actually pick up a quran for yourself and read it adn all the passages about how non-believers will burn, do not trust the non-believers, passages that say it is okay to beat your wife...ect and so on. You find the truth.
I would call it an extremist point of view but it certianly isn't tolerant!! and peaceful that muslims try to make it out to be.
Muslims are as bad as scientologist covering up the dirt on their faith and going as far as extortion, threats and black mail to keep the truth from comming out.
such as "satanic versus"
People acknowleging that Mushammad was violant. I mean come on he was a conquerer. HE had to be violent. When you conquer someones land do you say.. Please give me your land? or do you fight for it. This is violents. Forced conversion is violents.
How about the whole pediphile thing. Muhammad having sex with a 9 year old. Custom?? well it called pediphilia now not matter if he was a prophet or not.
This stuff that you cannot say anything bad about the profit. Telling you how to think even if it is covering up the truth.