Yes it does, Scooby has repeatedly denied that Sharia Law exists in England here is just one example.
Snippet: Another problem, he believes, is that, in the name of multiculturalism, the Labour Government has allowed a dual system of law to exist.
"Sharia law now exists in almost all Islamic communities in the UK," he says. "Not at a penal level, but at a family level. It rules among the Muslim community in marriage and divorce, often at the expense of the vulnerable. To solve this, the Government must say no to Sharia law being practised. There should be no separate legal system in this country."
His concern over the results of multiculturalism is not shared by the Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Rev David James. He has worked hard to engender integration among the faiths in the city.
After the al-Qaeda bombing in Madrid, when Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan police commissioner, suggested that it was a matter of when the terrorist organisation would bomb London, not if, he - along with cross-community leaders - held a series of meetings about how they should react should that happen.
Their aim was to ensure that there was not a repeat of the 2001 race riots if al-Qaeda bombed Britain. It is to their credit that, after the 7/7 London bomb, Bradford remained peaceful.
He remains adamant that no-go areas do not exist in Bradford. "I have no experience or any knowledge of no-go areas here," he says. "I don't know where the Bishop of Rochester was talking about. No one does."
There has, however, been one positive outcome of the continuing debate about the extent of the Islamic community in Bradford, he believes.
"It has put faith on the map. Awoken Christians to be better Christians and to have public faith. Here we openly celebrate Christmas, not some bewildering Winterfest."
'I feel like an alien in my home town' - Telegraph
A google search on Sharia Law in England turned up over ten pages but for some reason this forum won't clear my copy link from the above link. No worries Scooby tomorrow I'll post a link to google so you can see how "Progressive" not your country isn't. Forcing women to live under seventh century laws is absolutely appalling. That's England. Appallingly Socialist.
Islam and equality are not compatable, Muslim women have few if any legal rights under Sharia Law. Canada almost allowed Sharia Law but Muslim Women stood up and spoke out against it's subjugation and barbarity. England likes to watch women wallow in subjugation and barbarity. Honour crimes are flourishing but England and it's people feel "Race Relations" are more important than the lives of women. England isn't progressive it's oppressive to women who are forced to live as a Muslim. Has this country no shame?
Welcome to England an arm of Eurabia, where women are disposable garbage. A religion of Peace, I think not.