Mon 23 Apr, 2007 01:15 pm
Astronomers are wearing pampers and shooting each other up and they deal with the physical rather than the pulse of the universe
The religious institutions abound but equipment, funds, and universities for the investigation of the paranormal free of religious reasoning, superstitions, and fears exist where?
How can one be asked to worship spirits yet the paranormal labeled Pseudo -Science?
One might think the religious instititions would embrace the parnormal to better prove the legitmacy of the church and give comfort to the followers yet Galieol was hunted(R.C.C.) :rocketwhore:
Like the freakish weather..this is the time in which paranormal events become more frequent and on a wider scale
They are afraid their beliefs will be debunked, many probably would be.
'Cause "spirit worshipping" is so wide spread. Who worships spirits?
If Christ, Buddah, Muhammad, satan, holyspirit, angels, demons, whoever, exist they must be in spirit
From your point of view. None of those who worship them refer to them as such. You can't see me. Am I a spirit?
P.S. No one worhips Angels.
If Christ has risen he must be a spirit
Reagaknight;13294 wrote:From your point of view. None of those who worship them refer to them as such. You can't see me. Am I a spirit?
Quote:P.S. No one worhips Angels.
Don't let Satan hear that
markx15;13273 wrote:They are afraid their beliefs will be debunked, many probably would be.
Galieol would be killed 2007
Isaac Newton crucified for dabbling with the spectrum
We have worked with the American Association for Critical Scientific Investigations into Claimed Hauntings to determine the credibility of the now famous "Ghost Video" Taken in the Puckett Auto storage lot.
The story is that on an evening in September 2002 the persons on duty at the Auto & Body Shop noticed a "ghost" on the surveillance camera in one of their lots. That evening (around 2:00a.m.) there were 2 people working and one went to check on the lot after seeing the image on the monitor and they did not see anyone in the area of the lot that they saw the image
Pucketts Ghost Video
Can human technology track/trap that (energy)if desired? See video
Have you ever read any of Allan Kardec's books? If not then I recomend them for you, perhaps it will shed some light on this subject.
Paranormal events occur about me frequently
I would like to
document but I have not the equipment or guidance
mousy;13272 wrote:Astronomers are wearing pampers and shooting each other up and they deal with the physical rather than the pulse of the universe
The religious institutions abound but equipment, funds, and universities for the investigation of the paranormal free of religious reasoning, superstitions, and fears exist where?
How can one be asked to worship spirits yet the paranormal labeled Pseudo -Science?
One might think the religious instititions would embrace the parnormal to better prove the legitmacy of the church and give comfort to the followers yet Galieol was hunted(R.C.C.) :rocketwhore:
Like the freakish weather..this is the time in which paranormal events become more frequent and on a wider scale
My change from non believer to believer was through telepathy.
A large amount of the Bible was revealed by those who were "in the spirit" when revelation struck.
I have checked around and can tell you that a true telepathic experience is rare. I have yet to find another who did what I did twice. Once to my wife, the other to the Godhead.